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This bookshelf is a piece of speculative design, looking at what tools we might have in the future. The bookshelf features a rounded cove, meant for students to sit in and have time and space to help process their emotions! The space is interactive, allowing the kid to choose how they’re feeling and get a response, with option like breathing exercises, toys, listening to sounds, or talking to the teacher. As an art educator, I believe having decompression spaces like this is important, for helping students to process their big emotions in a safe way.

This project began with choosing four “cards” to provide realms to ideate within – my arc was to grow a decade, my terrain was education, my object was a tool, and my mood was calm. From there, I thought about what tools could be used to create calm in education, and where they would be useful. 


My process began with sketching, then scaled cardboard prototypes, then writing the story of the object to solidify the idea. From there, I started playing with tools like Makey Makey to see how I could make the space responsive. I eventually built a life size [ginormous] bookshelf out of insulation foam and corrugated plastic sheeting, with projection cast inside and buttons using Makey Makey.


Building a bookshelf that a person can sit inside is a big challenge in itself – foam and plastic are budget friendly, but not building friendly! Developing the responsive code definitely tested my knowledge of Processing and HTML, but I’m proud of how it turned out!