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Roadside Attraction #826 is the result of a research-based, and iterative process to develop a branch of 826 National. While this is an hypothetical brand, the 826 organization is real, and empowers students across the US with their writing and tutoring programs for K-12 students.
At the center of this brand identity is Roadside Attraction #826’s mission: the understanding that you’re mostly stopping to stretch you legs, and to provide convenient and quick supplies to continue on your way, as well as supporting our more frequent visitors in literacy.


This project was an immense undertaking, based on building out a fictional brand. The inspiration behind the brand came from a combination of research on Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and the existing 826 brand lexicon. I decided on a theme of “Roadside Attraction #826,” meant to poke fun at South Dakota and the wild small town Americana roadside attractions, making this just another stop on the way to your destination.


The process started with developing research, and generating concept ideas. Once I landed on one, hand sketches built into assets and logo designs, which then were applied to both small scale items like business cards and products, and large scale applications like a storefront. The brand also included social media and website design, and blended many disciplines of design to create a full brand package.


As for takeaways, this project presented many opportunities to learn and grow as a designer. Since it was my first experience with branding, the project was challenging: it took a lot of producing and creating and critiquing to create the final brand. There was a lot to keep track of, but the knowledge of how to develop a system with many interchangeable parts is so valuable to me now.


Process Images ︎︎︎