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The title sequence of a film is the introduction to the story; the tone, the vibe, the style. This redesigned sequence for the film The Love Witch communicates the essence of the movie, and the tarot cards tell the story of the plot. Each card was digitally illustrated, and based on the Rider Waite tarot deck, which was used consistently throughout the movie. The center of this redesign was building and weaving a story, through the typography and the cards.


The research for the project was centered around the visual motifs, and to consider how that could affect a new sequence that remains cohesive with the material. During the process of this project, the original COVID lockdown began, which led to a complete redesign of the idea for this, from being an analog piece to a fully digital design.


In shifting to a digital format, the original research became even more crucial, to help with quick ideation. The design process began with a hand drawn animatic, building into one frame prototypes, to short clips, getting feedback along the way to improve the style and design.


As for takeaways, this project presented many opportunities to get comfortable with change and resourcefulness. The project didn’t allow time to get too comfortable and precious with one singular idea, instead requiring the ability to think fast and come up with new concepts, and be willing to let go of old ones with little notice.